The Best Furniture Choices for Your Multigenerational Home

The Best Furniture Choices for Your Multigenerational Home

If you live in a multigenerational household, you aren’t alone. An estimated 64 million Americans report living in multigenerational households. Experts define a multigenerational household as including two or more adult generations or including grandparents...
Reupholstery Tips for Vintage Furniture Restoration Projects

Reupholstery Tips for Vintage Furniture Restoration Projects

Spring and summer in Michigan bring many activities that normally don’t happen during colder weather. Outdoor auctions and estate sales are a couple of places where you can find solid, quality antique or vintage furniture that’s crying out for a new owner and fresh...
How New Upholstery Can Give Dining Room Chairs a New Look

How New Upholstery Can Give Dining Room Chairs a New Look

If you’re thinking about changing things around your home for a family get-together, special event, or holiday celebration, one room to consider easy changes in is the dining room. You may not be able to afford an entire new dining room set, but there are a few things...